Open Mic - The Open Doors Initiative Podcast
A new podcast presented by the Open Doors Initiative which explores the challenges and opportunities of the working world from the perspectives of marginalised communities. The podcast takes the form of short interview segments with individuals who share their lived experiences and insights.
Open Mic - The Open Doors Initiative Podcast
Employers for Change: Leveraging Assistive Technology
Employers for Change is an Open Doors Initiative programme dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes navigate the world of disability, inclusion and confidence. Through engaging conversations with experts, we tackle common misconceptions and dive deep into the latest technology, policy and best practices that can transform your company's culture.
In this episode, Mohamed speaks to Siobhan Long from Enable Ireland to discuss how businesses can leverage Assistive Technology to break down barriers and better include individuals with disabilities in the workplace.
Siobhan has worked in the field of Assistive Technology since 1991. Siobhan’s current role involves management of Enable Ireland's National Assistive Technology Training Service. Technology is changing rapidly and the services’s goal is to ensure that those who can benefit from what it has to offer, can gain access to it in a timely manner.
In 2016, Siobhan began a partnership with the Disability Federation of Ireland, resulting in the publication of Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities and Older People: A Discussion Paper. This partnership is now called FreedomTech, and a key component of this partnership is CHAT: Community Hub for Assistive Technology, a community of practice which involves a wide range of stakeholders and meets at least 3 times/year.
Siobhán has been working intensively on an advocacy and lobbying programme, to promote the adoption of the recommendations contained in the Discussion Paper. Chief among these are the establishment of a national AT Passport, to address the significant gaps in service provision as AT users transition through life. Enable Ireland and the Disability Federation of Ireland are now leading a partnership project to pilot an AT Passport.
Employers for Change is a programme of the Open Doors Initiative, funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. The service empowers employers with all the information and advice needed to hire, employ, manage and retain staff with disabilities.
Contact Employers for Change at info@employersforchange.ie or check our website for more information